Undenatured Chicken Collagen type ii los ntawm Chicken Sternum for Joint Health

General Description of Undenatured Type ii qaib collagen

Undenatured hom II nqaij qaib collagen yog cov hwm hom ii collagen uas ua los ntawm nqaij qaib sternum.Cov yam ntxwv tseem ceeb ntawm Undenatured type ii collagen yog hom ii collagen tswj hauv nws thawj peb zaug helix Molecular qauv nrog Bioactivity.Cov haujlwm ntawm collagen hom ii muaj qhov tshwj xeeb rau kev noj qab haus huv.Peb Undenatured type ii collagen feem ntau yog tsim los rau hauv cov tshuaj ntsiav rau kev sib koom tes thiab pob txha noj qab haus huv.

Video Qhia Txog Kev Ua Txhaum Collagen Type ii

Daim ntawv tshuaj ntsuam ceev ntawm Undenatured Chicken Collagen type ii

Khoom npe Undenatured type ii collagen
Keeb kwm ntawm cov khoom Qaib sternum
Qhov tshwm sim Dawb Xim
Cov txheej txheem ntau lawm Tsawg kub hydrolyzed txheej txheem
Purity ntawm Undenatured Collagen ≥10%
Tag nrho cov ntsiab lus protein 60% (Kjeldahl txoj kev)
Cov dej noo ≤10% (105 ° rau 4 teev)
Qhov ntom ntom > 0.5g / ml raws li qhov ntom ntom
Solubility Zoo solubility hauv dej
Daim ntawv thov Los tsim cov kev kho mob sib koom ua ke
Txee lub neej 2 xyoos txij li hnub tsim khoom
Ntim Pem hauv ntej packing: kaw PE hnab
Ntim Ntim: 25kg / Nruas

Kev sib piv ntawm Undenatured Chicken collagen type ii and Normal Chicken Collagen type ii 

 Undenatured hom ii collagen yog ntuj thiab haiv neeg hom ii collagen muab rho tawm los ntawm nqaij qaib sternum nrog nws thawj triple helix molecular qauv ntawm collagen.Kev tsim cov txheej txheem ntawm Undenatured type ii collagen yog tsim tau zoo nyob rau hauv cov nqe lus ntawm qhov kub thiab txias, cov ntaub ntawv ntws thiab kev siv cov excipients thiaj li tswj cov kev ua ntawm hom ii collagen.Ib txwm hom ii collagen yog tsim los ntawm cov txheej txheem hydrolysis thaum lub sij hawm molecular qauv ntawm collagen yog tawg mus rau hauv luv luv chains ntawm amino acids.Hom ii collagen ib txwm suav tias yog denatured collagen vim tias cov protein yog denatured los ntawm qhov kub ntawm cov txheej txheem hydrolysis.

Undenatured type ii collagen yog txawv kiag li ntawm hom ii collagen nyob rau hauv cov nqe lus ntawm Specification ntawm zoo, raug txheej txheem, thiab lub zog rau tib neeg lub cev.

ITEM NOrmal Type II Collagen Undenatured type ii collagen
MTxheej txheem kev tsim khoom
Temperature Hig kub Tsawgkub
Muaj zog acid thiab alkali Uua sed Nsiv ot
Activity ntawm cov protein Denatured Uua tsaug
Specification ntawm Quality
Activity ntawm cov protein Nua active Active
Triple helix qauv Broken Mtsis tau
Undenatured type ii collagen cov ntsiab lus Absent Up mus rau 25% purity ntawm Undenatured type ii collagen
Ftsis ua haujlwm
Collagen basic khoom noj khoom haus ntawm cov amino acids UNique muaj nuj nqi rau kev noj qab haus huv los ntawm cov nquag collagen hom ii, pab kho RA, lubricate cov pob qij txha, kho cov pob txha mos.
Uaive Undenatured type ii Collagen Tsis muaj

Tshaj li Biopharma qhov zoo rau qaib collagen hom ii

1. Peb tsom rau kev lag luam Collagen.Tshaj li Biopharma tau tsim thiab muab cov nqaij qaib collagen hom ii tau ntau xyoo, peb paub txog kev tsim thiab tshuaj ntsuam xyuas ntawm nqaij qaib collagen hom ii zoo heev.

2. Kev Tswj Xyuas Zoo: Peb cov nqaij qaib collagen hom 2 yog tsim nyob rau hauv GMP rhiav thiab kuaj nyob rau hauv zoo-tsim QC kuaj.

3. Environmental Protection Policy pom zoo.Peb qhov chaw tsim khoom ua raws li txoj cai tiv thaiv ib puag ncig, peb tuaj yeem tsim thiab muab nqaij qaib collagen hom 2 stably.

4. Peb tuaj yeem tsim thiab muab ntau hom collagen: Peb tuaj yeem muab yuav luag txhua hom collagen uas tau ua lag luam nrog rau hom i thiab III collagen, hom ii collagen hydrolyzed, Undenatured collagen hom ii.

5. Pab Pawg Muag Khoom: Peb muaj pab pawg muag khoom txhawb nqa los daws koj cov lus nug.

Specification Sheet Of Undenatured Chicken Collagen Type II



Qhov tshwm sim Dawb kom tawm hmoov dawb
Tag nrho cov ntsiab lus protein

50% -70% (Kjeldahl Method)

Undenatured Collagen type II ≥10.0% (Elisa Method)
pH 5.5-7.5 (EP 2.2.3)
Residual ntawm Ignition ≤10% (EP 2.4.14)
Poob rau ziab ≤10.0% (EP2.2.32)
Hnyav Hlau < 20 ppm (EP2.4.8)
Coj 1.0mg/kg (EP2.4.8)
Mercury 0.1mg/kg (EP2.4.8)
Cadmium 1.0mg/kg (EP2.4.8)
Arsenic 0.1mg/kg (EP2.4.8)
Tag nrho cov kab mob suav <1000cfu/g(EP.2.2.13)
Poov & Pwm <100cfu/g (EP.2.2.12)
E. Coli Absence/g (EP.2.2.13)
Salmonella Tsis muaj / 25g (EP.2.2.13)
Staphylococcus aureus Absence/g (EP.2.2.13)

Cov txiaj ntsig ntawm Nqaij qaib pob txha Extract Collagen type ii

Undenatured type II collagen muaj ntau txoj haujlwm, tuaj yeem txhim kho kev txav mus los, txhim kho lub cev yooj thiab kev nplij siab, thiab yog ib qho tseem ceeb ntawm kev tiv thaiv tib neeg cov pob qij txha.

Txawm li cas los xij, nrog lub hnub nyoog, collagen poob sai sai, thiab cov ntsiab lus ntawm Undenatured type 2 collagen hauv cov zaub mov kuj tsis tshua muaj, ua rau nws nyuaj rau noj.Txawm tias cov khoom noj uas muaj cov ntsiab lus siab ntawm collagen tuaj yeem tsis tuaj yeem khaws cov khoom tsis zoo.Cov qauv ntawm hom 2 collagen ncav cuag ncaj qha mus rau lub plab zom mov, yog li qhov tshwm sim ntawm Undenatured cov khoom.

Cov txiaj ntsig ntawm xyoo ntawm kev tshawb fawb ua los ntawm thoob ntiaj teb cov ntaub ntawv kho mob tshawb fawb thiab US National Center for Biotechnology Information tau taw qhia tias kev noj zaub mov txaus ntawm non-denatured hom II collagen tuaj yeem txhim kho cov tsos mob hauv qab no:

1. Osteoarthritis

2. Degenerative mob caj dab

3. Mob caj dab caj dab

4. Kev qoj ib ce ua rau mob pob qij txha

5. Atrophy thiab deformation ntawm pob txha mos

Thiab yog hais tias nws yog ib tug mus sij hawm ntev tsis muaj non-denatured hom 2 collagen, nws yuav ua rau:

1. Pob txha mos degeneration

2. Kho pob qij txha thiab o

3. Mob tshwm sim los ntawm kev sib txhuam ntawm cov pob txha

Yog li ntawd, kev tswj hwm qhov tsis yog-denatured hom II collagen cov ntsiab lus hauv lub cev tuaj yeem khaws kev noj qab haus huv ntawm cov pob txha thiab pob qij txha.

Daim ntawv thov nqaij qaib collagen hom ii

Nqaij qaib hom II collagen yog tsuas yog siv hauv cov khoom noj qab haus huv rau cov pob txha thiab kev noj qab haus huv.Nqaij qaib Collagen hom II feem ntau yog siv nrog lwm cov pob txha thiab cov khoom xyaw noj qab haus huv xws li chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine thiab hyaluronic acid.Cov ntawv ua tiav ntau npaum li cas yog hmoov, ntsiav tshuaj thiab tshuaj ntsiav.

1. Pob txha thiab pob txha noj qab haus huv hmoov.Vim qhov zoo solubility ntawm peb cov nqaij qaib hom II collagen, nws yog feem ntau siv nyob rau hauv hmoov cov khoom.Cov pob txha hmoov thiab cov khoom noj qab haus huv feem ntau tuaj yeem ntxiv rau cov dej haus xws li mis nyuj, kua txiv hmab txiv ntoo, kas fes, thiab lwm yam, uas yooj yim heev rau noj.

2. Cov ntsiav tshuaj rau cov pob txha thiab pob qij txha noj qab haus huv.Peb cov nqaij qaib hom II collagen hmoov muaj cov dej ntws zoo thiab tuaj yeem yooj yim compressed rau hauv cov ntsiav tshuaj.Nqaij qaib hom II collagen feem ntau yog compressed rau hauv cov ntsiav tshuaj nrog rau chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine thiab hyaluronic acid.

3. Cov pob txha thiab pob txha noj qab haus huv capsules.Capsule dosage forms kuj yog ib qho ntawm cov npe tshuaj ntau dua hauv cov pob txha thiab cov khoom noj qab haus huv.Peb cov nqaij qaib hom II collagen tau yooj yim sau rau hauv cov tshuaj ntsiav.Feem ntau ntawm cov pob txha thiab cov khoom siv kho mob sib koom ua ke ntawm cov khoom lag luam, ntxiv rau hom II collagen, muaj lwm cov ntaub ntawv raw, xws li chondroitin sulfate, glucosamine thiab Hyaluronic acid.

Hais txog kev ntim khoom

Peb Ntim yog 25KG nqaij qaib collagen hom ii muab tso rau hauv ib lub hnab PE, ces lub hnab PE muab tso rau hauv lub nruas fiber ntau nrog lub xauv.27 lub nruas yog palleted rau hauv ib lub pallet, thiab ib lub thawv 20 ko taw muaj peev xwm thauj tau ib ncig ntawm 800 nruas uas yog 8000KG yog palleted thiab 10000KGS yog tsis palleted.

Xam qhov teeb meem

Cov qauv dawb ntawm ib ncig ntawm 100 grams yog muaj rau koj qhov kev sim raws li qhov kev thov.Thov hu rau peb kom tau txais cov qauv lossis cov lus hais.

Kev nug

Peb muaj cov kws tshaj lij kev muag khoom uas muab cov lus teb sai thiab raug rau koj cov lus nug.Peb cog lus tias koj yuav tau txais cov lus teb rau koj qhov kev nug hauv 24 teev.

Post lub sij hawm: Lub Xya hli ntuj-19-2022